Unleashing your video library with AI

Unleashing your video library with AI

So you've just connected your video library, now what?

Viewing your clips

  • Go to the clips page.
  • Each clip is scored and ordered on its potential to grab attention or go viral. This means you get the best segments of your videos are highlighted automatically.
  • AutoClip models also use advanced facial recognition to determine who is speaking in each clip

Searching your library

  • Search for anything you want from your library, and AI will find it!
  • Add as many search terms for niche clips - "Find clips about Politics AND advertising" - see what you can discover!

Using Tags

  • Click on More Filters, and you'll see a ton of options and categories to choose from.
  • You can add custom tags to your Clips or Videos to make things really easily searchable! For example, create a marketing approved tag and streamline a workflow.

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